+91 9535 929 367Ayurvedic treatments are backed to Vedic ages and brought in by ancient Vedic Rishis (Sages & Saints) who are the embodiment of extra ordinary perceptionary skills. Ayurvedic treatment is the stream of knowledge from Atharva Veda, one of the four Vedas.
Ayurvedic treatment by Ayurveda Yoga Commune will be a miraculous experience of integrating knowledge and practices of Vedic Rishis, Siddhas, Ayurvedic Acharyas and traditional practitioners with holistic environment for a positive and outcome in one’s health and life. It enables to lead a life of health and happiness.
Ayurvedic treatments and Yoga therapy are focus to transform the body, prana and mind to prepare it for a better living and longevity. Ayurvedic treatments are transmitted from ancient Rishis with its holiness to human physician in this perspective. They used this science to transform their bodies and to prepare for undergoing immense penance. Ayurvedic treatments include complex herbal compounds and minerals for bringing better health and longetivity. Ayurvedic treatments are based on the philosophy that our body is composed of five elements Panchamahabhoota-Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. These elements and its combination determine the body constitution, The Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The right combination and position of these three constitutions in human body will leads for good health. Any deviation and imbalances in this Vata, Pitta and Kapha will causes deceases. In Ayurveda Yoga Commune, ayurvedic treatments are focused on balancing the Vata, Pitta and Kapha in human body. Ayurvedic treatments are determined for each person after the consultation with our Ayurvedic Doctors and Yoga Masters. Diet, Medicines and therapeutic treatments are personalized and based on specific health issues. At Ayurveda Yoga Commune, our health journey starts from living with nature. Our ayurvedic treatment centres will be so closed to nature and Vedic practices for receiving energy from the nature will be part of the ayurvedic treatments.
+91 9535 929